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Final pre class response!

Hi Prof! The artifact that I chose is a carving of the buddha's head, probably detached from its body. It was dated back to about 500CE (website estimate was around the 8th-10th century). I found it at one of the websites that you recommended!

This is the link:

I find this artifact really interesting because it stands out from all the shards! Besides that, this artifact tells me that the people of Thailand has always had a strong tie to Buddhism such that they are willing to carve statues of the Buddha to show their devotion to him. I smiled to myself somehow upon realizing that we did a reading on the Dhammapada and now that I came across this artifact, it somehow feels like there is indeed a link between the past and the present as Thailand still is strongly associated with Buddhism up till today!

Thank you for the wonderful semester I've truly enjoyed my time in class. I took history back in Junior College and my teacher made history seem really boring. You made studying history interesting prof, thank you so much!!

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